Wednesday, October 28, 2015

We are all human.

We all latch to things.
"A study of college student in-class smartphone use found that the vast majority (95%) of students reported that they always bring their phone to class...92% admitted that they have sent or received a text message during class.”

"...Internet addicts represent between 0.3% and 10.6% of the general population…"
"Up to 87% of young- adult men (Carroll et al., 2008) and 34% of young-adult women (Wright et al., 2013) report using pornography with some regularity.”

Things become a part of us, change us.
This might get you thinking....

I am an addict. No I am not. Yes I am.

Once we become addicts our actions change and our brains change. 

The brain is the most complex part of 
the human anatomy and once it’s changed 
it takes a major toll on the individual 

(Amy Winehouse photographed below)
the brain shifts 
from goals 
to habits 

addiction has begun



to anyone

and once you become an addict.....

Addiction is like a shadow.
 Its the little devil on your shoulder.

An addicts story...
Juanita Galvez is a thirty-five year old woman that has a history of addicts in her family but she didn’t realize it till she was older. She always felt stressed by her family even though her parents didn’t have strict rules on her. She says the first time she drank she fell in love with it. Juanita started drinking at the age of twelve and tried drugs for the first time at the age of thirteen. At thirteen she tried meth but she didn’t enjoy it. It was seventeen when she started doing it more, maybe twice a year. By the age of twenty-one, she drank more than usual but still felt normal. At age twenty-four she says she was out of control and would drink and do lines of meth everyday. Twenty-four was an age where she felt completely depressed and she just let the meth take over her. She was battling with want versus want. Juanita Galvez is still human and she is will always be my mom.

When that while of satisfaction runs out that little devil is going to come back stronger and louder each time.

Once you do
you don’t feel anything; 
it covers your 
(Amy Winehouse photographed below)
the affects of addiction 
change      a         person 
m e n t a l l y
though, the addict 
a   person 

Take meth, the drug my mom was addicted to. 
Meth, the drug is known for its damaging effects on support cells in the brain that help protect nerve cells from contagious microorganisms and remove degraded nerve cells from active duty

My mom told me
that she will always
addicted to
even if
she isn't using anymore

even if she quits
she will always

I’ve seen my mom fighting against her life but I’ve also seen her fighting for something bigger than her consumption. I remember when I was about a freshman in high school my mother decided to send my siblings and I a visit. It was a Friday morning; I remember we didn’t have school that day. Everything was normal. We were all up doing regular things like brushing our teeth or eating cereal. Like any other morning my step mom was heading out the door for work but unlike any other day she walked out and yelled, “what the fuck.” My dad came running out to see what had happened and then he told us to go to our rooms. We did but my room has a window that looks out towards the front yard. There she was. My mother was methed up and laying on our front yard. Confused and a bit scared I went to go check on my siblings. The police ended up coming and taking her. Later on that night my dad had told me everything that had happened. He told me she was trying to see my brother, my sister and I.
The point is my mom, even as a full blown messed up addict, never stopped fighting for happiness.

whether it be 
to music or to depression or the internet or drugs, we consume. 
we consume something. 
is it human nature? 
i'm not sure. 
what is sure though, 
is that no matter what we consume we are still human. 
we all want happiness. 
we all want love. 
we all want 
to be free.

(A video of Amy Winehouse doing what she loved below) 
being human has no limits or requirements